Objects of beauty can sometimes be found in strange places. For the past 20 years I have photographed old cars found abandoned on the sides of roads, in police impound lots, in scrap metal yards and junk yards. Many of these cars date back to the 1930s. Exposed to years of sun, rain, snow and extreme heat, windows often take on beautiful colors and patterns. Rust and corrosion can combine with color and chrome to create a beautiful collage. Vines and wild flowers can encircle car ornaments to form a colorful picture. These are some of my favorite photographs of old cars and nature’s influence. In the state of Georgia, Old Car City, located about 40 miles north of Atlanta off of I 75 is sometimes described as a “photographers paradise.” It is here that over 3,000 cars, some dating back to World War 1, can be found along the wooded trails that cover over 34 acres.